Penda Mboko is a small village located in the Littoral region of Cameroon. It has an estimated population of 55,914. It is a host of one of the Cameroon Democratic Cooperation (CDC) plantations in Cameroon. Records show that the inhabitants of this village are prone to diseases associated with poor hygiene and sanitation, this may be due to the geography of the place. The integrated health organization believes that educating the inhabitants of this place is the key to help them prevent these diseases which is why they decided to carry out an outreach program there.

On the 10th of December, 2017 the integrated health organization partnered with Alliance Global and Matrix to carry out an educative program in Penda Mboko. During this program, presentations were given on Malaria, Typhoid, STDs, Teenage Pregnancy. Prevention is always better than cure which is why IHO gave out free mosquito nets and condoms to everyone who came in attending which wills serve as a means of preventing Malaria and STDs.